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Our Vision

The Heartland Project Inc. (THPI), a 501c3, envisions a conscious revitalization of human connection. Through pilgrimage and gatherings, we acknowledge the continued suffering and generational grief and trauma of all peoples. We endeavor to reach beyond the illusion of separation to experience the connection that lies at the core of our existence.



In the spirit of creating new memories, THPI endeavors to foster reconciliation through reverential dialogue about the meaning of forgiveness, how forgiveness expresses itself, and what is beyond forgiveness. Our goal is to provide a forum with pilgrimage, gatherings, and spontaneous events for people of all ages, cultures, religions, and backgrounds to become "companion allies" in exploration and acknowledgement of our shared experience of suffering—as it relates to ourselves, each other, and our earth—and in celebration of the remembrance that we are all connected. Through companionship experienced within each event we hope to galvanize a deeper sense of empathy, forgiveness, and personal connection to all of creation.


Read THPI's Statement on Our Responsibility & Commitment During this Time of Great Social Change & the Global Pandemic

ongoing and upcoming




Individuals Foster Healing Through the Ripple of Their Voices

We are living in unprecedented times in 2020, battling a global pandemic with the isolation involved and addressing deep injustices woven into the fabric and history of the USA that have erupted on the streets of our cities. The Black Lives Matter and Indigenous movements for equality and equity have risen to an undeniable, conscious clarity in the news. Equally and vitally important, a fragile election is almost upon us. The Heartland Project Inc has invited individuals to share their personal experiences and views of these unique, stressful times.

Valued Voices stories to be posted here, so please check back.

As beads on one string companion allies, THPI’s team exists because of a magnetic force that drew together unlikely candidates from across the USA. In fact, some of our influences span the globe from American Indian cultures to East Indian cultures. Our team’s cultures, races, philosophies, faith, belief systems, and practices are unique and different from one another, yet the string that binds us is our inherent commitment to honor the “scared other” and the sacred in the other, including the earth. We carry a love for the truth that we are all inherently one, and we hold onto a deep desire to share that as our legacy and contribution to humanity.


Although we will display or post about various themes, quotes, social justice actions, and other ideas that inspire us and that we support, we in no way whatsoever want to be misunderstood as representing one way, one thought, one savior, or any one style of life or worship as necessary to be “saved” or to enter any kingdom now or after death. These offerings will be made with the intention to spark thought, relationship, and dialogue with those who we may touch.



With a list that is still growing, we would like to acknowledge the individuals and organizations who have supported, and/or committed participation to this endeavor.


Karen Anderson, community member

Annunciation Church and Fr Charles Polifka, Pastor

Nancy Armstead, community member

Central Presbyterian Church and Pastor Louise Westfall

Downtown Denver Islamic Center,  Masjid Al-Shuhada and
Imam Muhammed Kolila

Iliff School of Theology and Rev Thomas V. Wolfe PhD,
President and CEO

The Equity Project and Dr. Nita Mosby Tyler

Sue Gomez, community member

The Hindu Temple of Colorado, Sudhil Verma

Nadeen Ibrahim, community member 

Mosaic Foundation, Ismail Akbulut

The Romero Troupe, Prof. James Walsh

Redneck Revolt and Andrew Connolly

Joe Salazar, Congressman 

Shalom-Salaam, Gulsum Katmer and Bobbi Furer

Shorter AME Church and Reverend Dr. Timothy Tyler

Tri-State Buddhist Temple, Reverend Diana Thompson


Special thanks to Amorette Williams, who originated and launched The Heartland Project Inc.’s website, incorporating the logo and banner design by Chris Hoffmeister.


Very special thanks to Chris Hoffmeister for the ongoing commitment to update, improve, and expand the website, keeping it engaging and alive to best reflect our vision and mission.


Special thanks to Marilyn Auer for keeping our website voice consistent and content free from errors.


Special thanks to photographer and videographer David Bruce Stevens for his time and amazing work on our Valued Voices of 2020 project.

“The Life of the spirit does not consist in turning away from worldly spheres of existence but in reclaiming them for the divine purpose—which is to bring love, happiness, beauty, and spiritual perfection within the reach of everyone." 

East Indian Spiritual Master, 

Meher Baba

Stay in the know 

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